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Mi Página We implement new technologies that allow us to be sustainable.

Having as a result the following International Transportation Trophe.


Sustainable Technology

Gas combustión is one ofthe main causes of air deterioration and vehicles are its main emitters. With a clear intention of reducing ours, SIT units move with technologies that reduce their environmental impact.

BlueTec 5 Technology

It is a mechanism that optimizes the engine through liquid injection that purifies internal combustion gases by converting them into nitrogen and water vapor.

Environmental impact:

Nitrogen and wáter vapor are elements that occur naturally in the environment. Bluetec 5 technology reduces carbón dioxide emissions by up to 60%

Diesel UBA

It is a cleaner fuel as it contains fewer sulfur particles.

Its environmental impact:

Sulfur dioxide is a polluting gas that affects people's health and deteriorates air quality. With this fuel, our units emit fewer polluting particles.


Solar panel project

We use the sun's energy to power our stations.

The implementation of solar panels within our facilities provides clean energy that helps the environment save up to 13.91 tons of CO2 per year.